Monday, June 20, 2011

Funny Story Selena Gomez Married With 11 Men

Justin Beiber , a very handsome young man, recently married a beautiful young woman is elegant and sexy 

who had previously divorced ten husbands already.

On the eve of their wedding, said his wife to Justin beiber, the husband of his ... "Please be gentle Yes, because I'm still a 


"What?!?" says justin beiber is confused. "How can I still a Virgin but had been married ten times?!?"

"Well, my first husband was a sales representative, he kept telling me how great it will happen."

"The two Husbands work in computer software Services; He was never really sure how should it work, but he said he 

would look into it and get back to me. "

"My husband three comes from the field support; He said everything has been checked and found to be, but he was 

unable to turn on the system. "

"The Fourth Husband of work at telemarketing, even though he knows he's got the order, he did not know when he will be 

able to give it. .."

"The Husband is an engineer, he's five understand basic process but he wanted three years to research, implement, and 

the new design is better."

"Sixth Husband comes from administration; He thought he knew how to do it but he's not sure if it's part of his job. "

"My husband seven are in marketing, although he has a product, he was never sure how positioning it."

"My husband's eight was a psychiatrist, all he did was talk about it."

"The nine Husband is obstetrician, all he did was look at it."

"The Husband is a collector of stamps, ten of which he ever does is lick ... Oh, did I miss him ...!! "

"But now I've been married, justin beiber my dear, I'm so excited!"

"Gee, fabulous once", says justin beiber, really surprised ... "But why!?"

"Being a businessman close to the Government ... This time I knew that I would get a boodle! "

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